San Ramón Catholic Church
15706 Texas Loop 493
Lubbock, Texas 79423
(806) 863-2201
If you or a loved one urgently needs to see a priest or deacon, and the church office is closed, you may directly contact San Ramón Deacon Ron Vowels at (806) 438-4542. For matters that require a priest (for example, for the Sacrament of Annointing of the Sick), Deacon Vowels will attempt to find an available priest as soon as possible. For other matters, Deacon Vowels may choose to respond himself or find another Deacon to respond (at his discretion). Please, urgent or emergency pastoral matters only, outside of church office hours. Thank you for your consideration.
San Ramón Catholic Church
15706 Texas Loop 493
Lubbock, Texas 79423
(806) 863-2201
15706 Texas Loop 493
Woodrow, Texas
(immediately north of Lubbock-Cooper High School (see map below)
Monday, Tuesday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Wednesday, Thursday: 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Before you come to visit the office, we recommend calling first to ensure that someone will be there. Office staff have several responsibilities and may briefly step out of the office.
The office entrance is located in the main church building's narthex (the lobby just inside the church entrance).