We live in a beautifully convenient technological era, a time of unprecedented comfort and devices that generations before us could never have conceived. With the advance of remote work, ever-present...
“Will you pray for…?” This question is amongst my favorites. I always see it as such a beautiful gift when people trust me to pray for them or their intentions. While it might be tempting to say a...
In 2025, the forty days of Lent will start on March 5, 2025, Ash Wednesday, and conclude on April 17, 2025, Holy Thursday. Easter will be celebrated on April 20, 2025. During this sacred season, we...
University of Notre Dame
Forthcoming guidance has renewed concerns that the university is more beholden to secular ideas and esteem than it is to its Catholic...
Credit: Photo courtesy of Regnum Christi North America
Home of the Legionaries of Christ in Cumming, Georgia, catches on fire after a lightening strike on the morning...
Nativity Series Part 6 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________ Here’s a joke from the...
Nativity Series Part 5 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________ It’s kind of funny that...
Nativity Series Part 4 of 6 The nativity blog series is an invitation to “enter into” the manger scene and ponder where you are in relation to Jesus. ____________________ Think back to the day you...