You may call the parish office during office hours to request your statement. Please allow 5-7 days for your statement to be prepared. Your requested statement will be available for pickup in the parish office. Thank you for supporting San Ramon through your generous donations.
San Ramon needs a group or family to adopt one of these projects 1. Jamaica bathrooms – need ideas and proposal on what to do with them; 2. Move cabinets from secretary's office to gift shop 3. Replace tops of concrete benches in garden area in front of RE. 4. Need Facilities Manager to coordinate repairs and maintenance.
Has God given you the gift to repair and maintain your home? San Ramón Catholic Church needs your talent and gifts to do repairs and some maintenance in God's temple. Please contact Deacon Ron Vowels for more information about this ministry at 806-438-4542. Thank you for sharing your time, talents, and treasures.
The Office of Communications and Office of Marriage & Family Life announce the launch of Marriage Mystagogy – A Diocese of Lubbock Podcast. Listen at
El Grupo de Oracion los invita a la asamblea de oracion todos los Sabados comenzando despues de la Santa Misa en la iglesia. Oramos por los enfermos. Para mas informacion, llame al 806-474-2696.